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5/18/21 From the Heart of Uganda: Business & Personal Thoughts with VP, Charlie Hedges.
5/16/21 From the Heart of Uganda: Business & Personal Thoughts with VP, Charlie Hedges.
5/15/21 From the Heart of Uganda: Business & Personal Thoughts with VP, Charlie Hedges.
5/14/21 From the Heart of Uganda: Business & Personal Thoughts with VP, Charlie Hedges.
5/12/21 From the Heart of Uganda: Business & Personal Thoughts with VP, Charlie Hedges.
5/11/21 From the Heart of Uganda: Business & Personal Thoughts with VP, Charlie Hedges.
5/9/21 From the Heart of Uganda: Business & Personal Thoughts with VP, Charlie Hedges.
5/8/21 From the Heart of Uganda: Business & Personal Thoughts with VP, Charlie Hedges.
5/7/21 From the Heart of Uganda: Business & Personal Thoughts with VP, Charlie Hedges.
5/6/21 From the Heart of Uganda: Business & Personal Thoughts with VP, Charlie Hedges.
5/5/21 From the Heart of Uganda: Business & Personal Thoughts with VP, Charlie Hedges.
When you give Clean Water you give
Time, Opportunity, Education, and Empowerment.
When a community receives clean water, they are given the resources of health, hygiene, and time to create a more sustainable society.