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February 8, 2023 (San Juan Capistrano, Calif.) - Wells of Life, a nonprofit Orange County-based organization whose mission is to provide rural Ugandans access to clean water, announced that its Irish branch, Wells of Life Irl, has dedicated a well in Bugalya, Uganda, to honor the life and work of Irish President Michael D. Higgins. The announcement was made at ceremony held at Aras an Uachtarain, the official residence and principal workplace for the President of Ireland.

“The work of our charity links three continents - Africa, North America, and Europe - and, as such, knows no boundaries. Defeating poverty and access to water for underserved communities takes a global effort,” said Nick Jordan, the Founder of Wells of Life. “As an Irish man myself, I am proud to honor the life and work of President Michael D Higgins.”

Wells of Life Irl. Operations Manager Aidan Jordan presented President Higgins with the honor on February 8, 2023, at Aras an Uachtarian. As part of the well dedication ceremony, the presentation included a gifted photo album and framed photograph of the village community of Bugalya, which was presented to the President.

President Higgins had recently returned from a Presidential visit to Senegal in West Africa. There, he addressed the Dakar 2 summit on food sovereignty and sustainability in Africa. The President discussed ways to overcome many of the same challenges that are experienced daily in Uganda with African leaders from across the continent.

Nearly 90% of Ugandans live in rural communities, and two-thirds of these communities lack safe access to clean water. Water-borne diseases and infant mortality are realities for many Ugandans. Wells of Life has provided safe access to clean water to over one million people through the drilling and refurbishment of over 1,000 wells since launching in 2010. Many wells built in Uganda wind up non-functional because their infrastructure is not built to last, while Wells of Life has a long-term strategy intended to maintain the functionality of the wells. Access to safe water has the power to turn time spent into time saved when it is steps from home and not hours away. For millions of women, children, and communities, access to safe water can change lives by unlocking education, economic opportunity, and improved health. Wells of Life also recently launched the Healthy Village program, which educates village communities about sanitation, hygiene, and gender-based issues such as improved access to education for girls.

For more information about Wells of Life and its work, please visit, follow them on Twitter, @WellsOfLife, Instagram, @TheWellsOfLife, and like them on Facebook at

About Wells of Life

Wells of Life is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian organization based in Orange County that provides safe access to clean, sustainable drinking water in the communities of rural Uganda. Founded in 2008, Wells of Life has drilled or rehabilitated over 1,000 wells across 19 districts in Uganda and, through a steady decade of growth, has served more than one million people. With a 100% donation, Wells of Life provides clean water through the installation or restoration of sustainable borehole water wells and WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) educational programs. Wells of Life also has an in-country office staffed with an In-Country Director, Deputy Director and 19 other full-time employees in Uganda.

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